Dear readers, Since I was a young teenager, when I learned of how law saved my father’s own business, I have wanted to practice law. In the early 1990′s, because of a bank’s failure to perform due...
View ArticleAnalysis of the New Green Card Path for Undocumented Immigrants
This is an analysis based off the following NYTimes article titled “Path to Green Card for Illegal Immigrant Family Members of Americans” written by Julia Preston on January 6th, 2012. As the New York...
View ArticleAnalysis of the ACLU’s Law Suit Against Los Angeles Sheriff Lee Baca and...
According to a recent article in the WSJ, the ACLU has sued Sheriff Lee Baca for an alleged mistreatment of inmates. The suit, which is not the first, officially accuses Mr. Baca, Undersheriff Paul...
View ArticleThe Race to Hate: An Analysis of 287(g) and S.B. 1070
In March 2010, Angel Francisco Castro Torres was riding his bike down a municipal road in Smyrna, Georgia, when he was pulled over by two police officers. They claimed the incident was nothing but a...
View ArticleExplanation and Guide to the Deferred Action Legislation by Department of...
For many, Christmas came early when the Obama administration unilaterally implemented the Deferred Action legislation this June. I know that I myself was in Galveston, Texas when my father happily...
View ArticleWeekly Memo #3: Pandora v. Apple, Amazon v. Apple, Mexico and its Middle...
Weekly Memo #3: This one’s a long one, folks, but all the more important because of it. [1] Apple Leaves Pandora with Radio Blues, WSJ Pandora has been suffering from a raging decline as Apple has...
View ArticleDeportations under Obama’s Administration – Memo #6
The cries of excessive deportation under the Obama administration have been many. In 2012, the International Business Times reported a record number of deportations in 2011, writing that “The...
View ArticleSAC Capital Indicted and Steve Cohen Officially Charged: Section 10(b), Rule...
After having secured over $100 million in legal penalty fees against Rajat Gupta and Raj Rajaratnam for violations of insider trading, and in light of the recent allegations made against two employees...
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